How it started

Tempodrom: how it started...

On May 1st 1980, then nurse Irene Moessinger used her inheritance to found the Tempodrom in shape of a circus tent in the midst of Potsdamer Platz. The alternative venue soon became one of the most popular cultural institutions for 500 to 3.000 visitors. The variety of cultural events soon drew 200.000 guests, coming from all Germany, to the Tempodrom every season. 

Circus attractions by Jérôme Savary, children's circus, rock and classical music, avantgarde theatre, sport events and congresses, international festivals and more were offered: it was a symbol of innovatory stagecraft. 

In 1984, Miss Moessinger moved with the Tempodrom to Tiergarten. Due to the new construction of the future government district, a relocation to the Postbahnhof had to take place in 1998, following another change of location in 2001 to the former Anhalter Bahnhof in Kreuzberg. After repeatedly moving, the idea of a solid location developed. The Tempodrom was financed inter alia by the federal government, the European Union, the state and various donors. 

The construction phase began in 1999 at the estimated costs of 23 millon German Mark. But already in October 2000 it became inevitable to draw on a loan of 12.8 million German Mark. It consistently came to financial difficulties which led to the necessity of grants by different institutions. 

In December 2001 the opening of the Tempodrom as a solid location took place within the award ceremony of the European movie awards. In spite of the good start, the venue needed more financial aid which was denied. As a consequence, they tried to find an interested buyer for the first time. 

The foundation “new Tempodrom” and then owner of the property had to file for insolvency in March 2004. Feser and Spliedt (insolvency administrators) were put in charge of caring for the building. In July 2005, the consulting firm Treugast won the contract as new operator of the location. In the years to come, the Tempodrom wrote  a new success story: approximately 300.000 people attended more than 180 events in 2009.  Little by little, public life returned to the Anhalter Bahnhof which is also known as ‘the gate to the South’.  

In April 2010, the Tempodrom was bought by the company group KPS. The new owner immediately lived up to the high utilization of the previous year and even expanded the offering . Moreover, the long lasting cooperation with partners like the Roncalli Circus and Holiday On Ice was continued. The new operator also opts on the proven Tempodrom team, which was fully taken. 

With over 200 rental days, 2011 marked the most successful business year for the Tempodrom since its existence.  

This is where the circle closes after ten years: with the 14th European movie award ceremony the Tempodrom was opened on December 1st 2001. Now, ten years later, the location celebrates its jubilee at the 24th European movie award ceremony on December 3rd, 2011. 


17 Jahre Tempodrom am Anhalter Bahnhof

Dezember 2001
Feierliche Eröffnung am Anhalter Bahnhof mit der Verleihung des 14. Europäischen Filmpreises

Februar - März 2002
1. Show "Holiday on Ice"

Dezember 2004 - Januar 2005
1. "Roncalli Weihnachtscircus"

Juli 2005
TREUGAST Unternehmensberatung aus München wird neuer Betreiber des Tempodrom 

April 2006
50 Jahre Fernsehlotterie

Juli 2006
FIFA Präsentation WM 2010

September 2007
"Bundesvision Song Contest" von Stefan Raab

Dezember 2007
Wiedereröffnung Wellnesbereich Liquidrom 

Januar 2008
Tempodrom wird die 1. Klimaneutrale Eventlocation Deutschlands

Juli 2008 
ELLE Fashion Star

April 2010
Bremer Firmengruppe KPS wird neuer Eigentümer des Tempodrom

Juli 2010
Erste MICHALSKY StyleNite im Rahmen der Fashion-Week Berlin

Oktober 2011
Teilnahme am "7. Festival of Lights"

Dezember 2011
Verleihung des 24. Europäischen Filmpreises

September 2012
Tempodrom gewinnt 2. Platz beim Location Award  | Kategorie Nachhaltigkeit & Innovation

Juni 2013
Verband für direkte Wirtschaftskommunikation, FAMAB, feiert 50jähriges Jubiläum im Tempodrom

September 2013
Samsung Unpacked 2013: Episode 2 | Live Stream am Time Square, New York

Mai 2014
Verleihung des Deutschen Filmpreis 2014

Dezember 2015
Tempodrom startet 1. Wunschzettelaktion zur Unterstützung von Heim- & Flüchtlingskindern  

Dezember 2014 
Besucherrekord mit 380.000 Gästen in 2014 

April 2015 
Tempodrom erhält Auszeichnung PRG LEA Halle / Arena des Jahres 2014

Sept. 2016
Erfolgreiche Premiere des Preises für Popkultur im Tempodrom

Sept. 2017
Radioeins feiert seine 20jährige Geburtstagsparty im Tempodrom 

Okt. 2017
Tempodrom ist beim Pollstar-Ranking 2017 in der Kategorie „Arena Venues“ auf Platz 6 unter den deutschen Venues 

Site History

Anhalter Bahnhof - Potsdamer Platz - Former Postoffice 11

Anhalter Bahnhof

The ‚Anhalter Bahnhof’ also known as ‚Der Anhalter’ (hitchhiker) or furthermore known as ‚Tor des Südens’ (South Gate) is located on the Stresemanstreet at the Askanischen Platz and directly in front of the Tempodrom.

Its history is impressive and it still represents an important transport connection for many travellers. In 1880, he represents one of the most important long distance transport train station of Europe. That’s where he got his name from ‘Southern Gate’, offering railroad link to Hungary, Austria, Italy and other countries. Within Germany, he made it possible for travellers to travel to cities like Dessau, Leipzig and Munich, which demonstrated the Princeton of Saxony-Anhalt.

In World War II, he represents not only as an important train station, but a bunker directly located next to the train station which offered about 13.000 shelter, prior to bombing raid.

Nowadays, very little remains of the original train station. Its structure damaged to 2/3 by SS troops, you will only find ruins.

Potsdamer Platz

Well known and famous for its large variety of activities. But not just known as a shopping and cultural square – the Potsdamer Platz offers a big spectrum and an impressive history stream.

Potsdamer Platz, called ‘Platz vor dem Thor’, developed within only a few years from a suburb area into the most bustling squares in Europe, in 1838.

With Germans economy picking up in 1871, Potsdamer Platz experienced a real building boom, the famous villas ‘Tiergarten’ were constructed. Furthermore two hotels establish- the ‘Palast-Hotel’ and the ‘Grand-Bellevue-Hotel’.

During world war II most of Potsdamer Platz got destroyed. By the end of the war, in 1945, you will only find two buildings left. Everything else has been destroyed.
The border triangle has been form between the Soviet, British and American sector.
The Potsdamer Platz can’t return to its normal pace.

In 1961, due to the formation of the Berlin-Wall, almost all of the still left buildings are being burned down.

It takes almost 30 years, for the redevelopment of the Potsdamer Platz. With a design competition, initiated by the Berlin Senate, the Potsdamer Platz and it surrounded area is getting rebuild.

Nowadays you’ll find the Potsdamer Platz to be a lively place to be at. With its variety of shopping, entertainment, office buildings and its night life, it represents a place full of life.

Former Postoffice 11

The just recently opened Wyndham Hotel is located in the former post office building, which is declared as a protected monument.
The building has partly been first refurbished in 1933.

From here mail has been send out to people living in south Berlin, it was than one of the biggest facilities of that kind. With the wall being put up, it went from delivering mail to parts of south Berlin, to widen its range into west Berlin.

After 1990 its capacity wasn’t sufficient anymore- the post office closed.

Source: Tagesspiegel / Ein Ort und seine Geschichte / 30.07.2012


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Betriebsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG

Möckernstr. 10
10963 Berlin

Ticket-Hotline*: +49 (0)1806 554 111

Member of:
Europäischer Verband der Veranstaltungs-Centren e.V. Berlin Event Network MEET BERLIN